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Here you can find all the important information for sporting activities in Mallorca: Current information about roadblocks and events, the weather forecast, Tour suggestions and the applicable traffic rules Mallorca.

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Mallorca road traffic regulations

18 cycling rules in Mallorca

Here you can find the most important traffic rules for cyclists in accordance with the Spanish traffic authority DGT.

Cell phone on your ear? headphones? No!
Using a mobile phone while cycling is strictly prohibited. Even headphones in the ear! Why Headphones are distracting! In addition, ambient noises are less well perceived, which can quickly lead to accidents. Anything that restricts vision or hearing is prohibited. What does it cost if you do it anyway? 200 euros.
Alcohol limit when cycling
Alcohol is strictly prohibited. During checks, you may be asked to take a (mandatory) breathalyzer test. The same limits apply to cyclists as to car drivers. Anyone who has more than 0.25 milligrams of alcohol in one liter of breath must pay: between 500 and 1,000 euros.
Driving without lights
Do you have a bike in Mallorca, but buying lamps has been too cumbersome or impractical for you so far? That can be expensive. If you drive at night, in tunnels or short underpasses, or in general when visibility is poor, you must use a bicycle lamp at the front and rear. Otherwise, there is a risk of a fine of 200 euros!
Drivers must be able to recognize cyclists at a distance of 150 meters. To do this, they must wear reflectors and reflective clothing. Anyone who does not comply must expect a fine of up to 80 euros.
Bicycle helmet
An approved safety helmet is mandatory for all cyclists on country roads. It is important that the helmet fits correctly and is always worn closed. Driving without a helmet can be expensive - up to 200 euros.
Be careful when starting off
Before you set off on a bike, you should take a close look at the road you want to ride on. Other vehicles must be so far away that there is no danger. You also have to announce the maneuver. Otherwise it will be expensive: there is a risk of a 200 euro fine..
Cyclists have priority! On cycle paths, cycle lanes and marked protective strips, cyclists have priority over motor vehicles. Anyone who disregards the right of way at an intersection must expect a fine of 200 euros.
Driving maneuver
Cyclists must announce what they're doing! The positioning in traffic, turning, changing direction and lane must be indicated with the horizontal right arm or the bent left arm. A violation costs 200 euros.
Warn brakes? Good, but it doesn't have to be.
It is advisable to announce sudden braking with an arm movement. For example, if you know that someone is driving behind you, you can raise your arm to signal that you need to brake. However, this is not mandatory as releasing the handlebars with just one hand can be dangerous.
Road signs
Road signs apply to cyclists too! Traffic lights and road signs such as right of way or speed limits must also be observed by cyclists. Driving over a red light can be punished with a fine of between 150 and 500 euros.
Road or bike path?
As in Germany/Switzerland/Austria, the cycle paths on Mallorca are usually marked in red. However, there is no obligation to use it.
Country roads
Cyclists must use the right shoulder on country roads, if there is one. If the side strip is not used, it can cost 200 euros. The shoulder may only be left during long descents and under safe conditions.
Driving on the sidewalk
Cycling on sidewalks and in pedestrian zones is prohibited. Unless it is a cycle path that is used together with pedestrians. Anyone caught on the sidewalk while cycling must expect a fine of up to 100 euros
Pedestrians have priority! Cyclists have priority at pedestrian crossings and when turning. But even if there is no zebra crossing, you have to allow pedestrians to pass. Disregard costs 200 euros!
Get off at the pedestrian crossing! If you want to cross a zebra crossing as a cyclist, you have to push your bike! Anyone who doesn't pay a fine of 200 euros.
Driving on the right
In city traffic, cyclists should drive as close to the right side of the road as possible and keep a safe distance from curbs and parked vehicles. In groups, cyclists may ride in a convoy of a maximum of two people. Anyone who does not follow the rules must expect a fine of up to 100 euros.
Ride side by side
Cyclists may ride side by side on country roads if the route is clear and there are no crowds on the road. However, cyclists must keep to the right as much as possible. Failure to comply may result in a fine of up to 100 euros.
Behavior of groups of cyclists
Groups of cyclists have priority at roundabouts and all other intersections. This applies as soon as the first cyclist has entered the intersection or roundabout. From the first to the last cyclist in the group!