Puig de Santa Magdalena

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The bike tour to Puig Santa Magdalena starts at Galerîa 19 Mallorca Norte. At just a few meters in altitude, the tour takes you through the reeds of the Albufera Park to Sa Pobla. Continue around Sa Pobla until you reach the Buger ring road sign. In the first sharp right turn, it is possible to continue straight on the Camí vell d'Inca. After 6.3 km of low-traffic, the trail turns right up to Puig d'Inca (307 m). After 2.5 km, you reach the platform with the Santa Magdalena chapel. From the viewpoint, you have a wonderful view of the two bays of Bahia Alcudia and Pollenca. At the Puig de Santa Magdalena restaurant, you can fortify yourself to continue your journey. The descent follows the same route. Continue to the left towards Inca. At the end of Cami vell d'Inca, turn left on the main road until you reach the roundabout at the San Catiu oil mill. The third exit leads to Muro. After a slight climb of 2.3 km, the route takes the Cami de Talapi towards Sa Pobla. Through the reeds of the Albufera Park, you reach the starting point Playa de Muro.



Icon Höhenmeter rauf Galeria 19 Mallorca Norte



Icon Höhenmeter runter Galeria 19 Mallorca Norte



Puig de Santa MagdalenaPuig de Santa Magdalena
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Puig de Santa Magdalena
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